

Uzbek—English Dictionary (Dirks, 2005)


(Arabic) mind, intelligence, smarts, common sense; advice. ~i raso/~ qisqa/~dan oz-/~ tishi wisdom tooth. ~ bovar qilmaydi unthinkable, unimaginable. ~ yetmaydi unimaginable; unbelievable; not capable of understanding, slow, dull. ~ga sig'maydi unimaginable. ~i shoshdi/~ini yo'qotdi to lose one?s head. ~ini ol- to distract, to take one?s mind away from everything else. ~ borida while (you've) still got your wits about (you). ~ing joyidami Have you lost your mind?, Is your head okay? ~ga muvofiq ravishda/~ga qarab in a rational, intelligent manner. ~ingga balli! Good thinking! ~ yugurtir- to

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