Özbekche—In'gilische Lughet (Dirks, 2005)
v.t. to corral; to divide into herds; to be surrounded by rings (sun, moon). kun ~sa kuragingni, oy ~sa oftobchuvog'ingni tayyorla If the moon has rings around it, it will snow, if the sun has rings around it, sunny weather will be here.
Axir izdelgen sözler:
- kırav,
- yerlemek,
- prevalent,
- competitor,
- altar,
- check,
- pıçhapıç,
- hewes,
- abrav,
- etimoloji,
- -din,
- yaxshilikcha,
- tumu,
- hatıra,
- teyin,
- hükmetmek,
- tokurdamak,
- pronouncement,
- gomparmak,
- İl,
- irmezek,
- qotonlamoq