Özbekche—In'gilische Lughet (Dirks, 2005)
v.t. caus. of elkasidan ~- to get off of one's shoulders, to shoulder s.o. else with. mehnat unumdorligini ~- to increase labor productivity. planni ~ib bajar- to exceed the plan. hosildorlikni ~- to increase productivity. haddan ~to exceed the bounds. [oshiril-]
Axir izdelgen sözler:
- Eleştirmek,
- quruvchi,
- accusation,
- darlıq,
- aşkar,
- yaraq,
- bolcolsuz,
- hiatus,
- taq,
- kobu,
- theoretic,
- zexme,
- oñlamak,
- çamgur,
- istila,
- milliləşdirmə,
- unification,
- qabaqkı,
- çogda,
- pərvərdigar,
- onluq,
- oshirmoq