

Özbekche—In'gilische Lughet (Dirks, 2005)


1: arrow; bullet, shell. ~ yog'dir- to rain down bullets or arrows upon. ~ tovushi shot, report. ~ e- to take a bullet, to be hit. ~ing o'zganmi? Are you better than everyone else? ~day fast as a bullet; strong, straight.

2: shaft, axle; axis; main, principle. ~ ariq main canal. ~ ildiz tap root. ~ poya main stem.

Özbekche—In'gilische Lughet (Dirks, 2005)


just, exactly; as soon as. hozirdan~ right now. uyga kelib~ as soon as he came home.

Özbekche—In'gilische Lughet (Dirks, 2005)


white; grey, silver, or clear; clean, pure, unsullied; cataract; vodka. ~ bilak effeminate, dainty (woman). ~lar the Whites. ~ suvoq final, white coat of plaster. ~dan qorani ajrat- to tell black from white. soqoliga) ~ kirgan/~ kiyto put away one's mourning clothes. ~ oltin cotton. ~ podsho the Tsar. ~ sutini ~qa, ko'k sutini ko'kka sog'- to be disgusted with one's child, to turn from one's child. ~ choy milk tea; (dial.) green tea. ~ ich-/~qa ko'chir- to make a final, clean copy. kouzning ~i the white of one's eye. tuxumning ~i the white of the egg. ~ qil- to disinherit, to disown. ~ quvray (bot.) scurfy pea (s. quvray).

Uyghurche – Türkiye Türkchisi Lughiti (Kurban, 2016)


I Ok, kurşun, mermi. Oq tegmek – Kurşunlanmak. Oqqa tutmaq – Kurşuna dizmek. Oq achmaq – Kurşun yağdırmak.
II Pingil, eksen, mihver.

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