Özbekçe—İngilizce Sözlük (Dirks, 2005)
1 formal: father, forefather; father figure; term of addressed used for older men. ~si term of addressed used by a wife for her husband. bor ~ngga, bor onangga the big runaround. ~ngga rahmat Bravo! Good for you! ~ngizga o'rgatmang Don't tell me what I already know.ota 2 dial.s. orol.
Özbekçe—İngilizce Sözlük (Dirks, 2005)
impf. form of ~ ko'rinadigan transparent.
Son arananlar:
- öñüt,
- güdük,
- decoration,
- türbət,
- möhre,
- göçüş,
- uyuşturuuçu,
- başagaýlyk,
- mobility,
- yrgyldy,
- öröy,
- Havale,
- kerek,
- Güncel,
- Carve,
- chüshenche,
- tottuk,
- əlyazması,
- vakila,
- buşgutlanmak,
- sykrak,
- ota�