Özbekçe—İngilizce Sözlük (Dirks, 2005)
v.t. to throw (down, out, away, on), to get rid of; to quit, to stop; to relent, to lessen; to throw up; to hand in, to submit; to shift to, to set to; (after V+(eb ~- to eat up, to gobble up, otib ~- to shoot (down), to blow away, chiqarib ~- to pull off, to get rid of. bozor ~di prices dropped in the market. o'zini ~- to throw o.s. at or upon. ~b qo'y- to put aside, to leave. zindonga ~to throw into the dungeon. orqaga ~- to lurch back; to lay aside, to put off. so'zini ~- to disregard. o'zini u yoqqa-bu yoqqa ~- to hum and haw, to work one's way out of a bad situation. o'ligini ~- to have s.o. bear one's weight. balg'am ~- to spit up bile. qon ~- to spit up blood. bola ~- to have a miscarriage. ~(si)ni ~- to abandon one's child. [tashlan-, tashlanil-, tashlash-] additional to the plan. haddan ~ extremely. ~(ga) chiq- to go out(side). ~da outside, outdoors (s. ko'chada).