

Özbekche—In'gilische Lughet (Dirks, 2005)


1: end, tip, point. ~ ber- to become manifest, to begin to appear. ~chiga chiqqan expert, master (in derogatory sense). ko'z ~i bilan qara- to look askance at. eng ~ida secretly. oyoq ~ida/~i bilan ko'rsat- to point at with one?s foot (i.e., apathetically, disdainfully). til(ining) ~ida on the surface, perfunctorily, insincerely. qo'l ~ida perfunctorily; barely, with difficulty. ~ini chiqar- to whisper, to tell furtively.

2: three; grade of ?C? on 5-point scale; tri-. ~ oyoq tripod. ~ pul three cents.

3: a kind of votive light made of cotton wrapped on a stick which is lighted on Thursday and Friday evenings in remembrance of the spirits of the dead.

Uyghurche – Türkiye Türkchisi Lughiti (Kurban, 2016)


Uç, son. nihayet 2. Keskin, sivri. Qérindashning uchini chiqardim – Kurşun kalemin ucunu çıkardım. Til uchida turuptu – Dil ucunda duruyor. Uch tartmaq – Filizlenmek, büyümek, lökülmek.

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