Özbekche—In'gilische Lughet (Dirks, 2005)
dragged, pulled, hitched; (hist.) punishment by tying a rope around the neck and dragging along behind a horse. ~ qil- to inflict such punishment.
Axir izdelgen sözler:
- kurşunlamak,
- Sersem,
- Urmoq,
- baxmaq,
- dissertasiya,
- baytar,
- royan,
- bertik,
- Şəriət,
- solut,
- lehmə,
- bappuş,
- disinvestment,
- tezkire,
- truly,
- köşek,
- tügürchüklük,
- alabag,
- disadvantage,
- birdam,
- buradar,
- sudratma