Özbekche—In'gilische Lughet (Dirks, 2005)
1: coal, ember; sparks, fire. o'zini o'tga, cho'qqa ur- to take great pains.
2: weight, heaviness.
Özbekche—In'gilische Lughet (Dirks, 2005)
1: time, occasion. ~i kelganda when the time comes; sometimes. yoshlik ~imda in my youth/childhood.
2: happy, glad.
3: too small or narrow.
4: ~ bo'lib tur- to be ready.
5: strength, ability.
Axir izdelgen sözler:
- assume,
- farreaching,
- gÜmÜŞÇÜ,
- gic,
- gıyabi,
- yigindi,
- Nevara,
- sameness,
- sansajak,
- klinika,
- hamaş,
- kerkmek,
- Oyandırmaq,
- kerim,
- çetrefil,
- Qüsurlu,
- tawlash,
- <"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""kaka"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""",
- taassup,
- psikolojizm,
- künjara,
- chog