Özbekche—In'gilische Lughet (Dirks, 2005)
1: face; surface; side; blade; sense of shame, compunction. qatiqning ~i the creamy layer on the surface of yoghurt. yer ~i the Earths' surface; the face of the Earth. ~i yorug' beaming (countenance). ~i issiq warm, friendly. ~i yo'q having no shame. ~i qora shamefaced. ~ ber- to occur, to take place. ~ ko'rar ceremony of meeting the bride the day after the wedding. ~ ko'rmas bo'lib ket- to cease to be on speaking terms. ~(ini) ko'rma- not to see (s.t. or s.o.). ~ tut- to head off (towards). ~i chidamadi/~ o'gir- to turn away. ~(iga) ayt- to say to one's face. ~iga bor-/~(i)ga sol- to say right to one's face. ~ingda ko'zing bormi demay, ... unashamedly, w/o compunction. ~idan o'tolmaslik to be afraid to say no to. qaysi ~ bilan How can (s.o.) have the gall/nerve to...?, How can one be so shameless as to...? ~iga qon/~iga oyoq qo'y- to defy, to fly in the face of.
2: hundred.