Özbekche—In'gilische Lughet (Dirks, 2005)
1: (Persian) salty; salt, saline, alkaline; salt content, salinity; dried sweat. ~ danak salted apricot pits covered with a kind of ash. ~ paxta cotton soaked in salt water used to reduce swelling or pain.
2: (Persian) unfortunate, hapless; misfortune, adversity. voy ~im What can I do?, God help us! peshanasi ~ hapless, unfortunate. ~i quridi to undergo misfortune, tohave bad luck. ~i qursin bastard, wretch. ~ing qurg'ur poor thing. ~iga ~va to'kildi to have bad luck, to undergo a calamity. birovning ~ini qurit- to be the downfall of, to ruin.
Uyghurche – Türkiye Türkchisi Lughiti (Kurban, 2016)
I f. Tuzlak arazi.
II Dert, bela, felâket, müsibet, afet, kaza. Özemning shorum – Kendi derdim. Shor manglay – Bedbaht, zavallı, talihsiz, şanssız. Shorum qurudi – Şansımı kaybettim. Shorung kursun! – Bedbaht! zavallı! Shorung qurghur! – Bedbaht! zavallı!