

Özbekche—In'gilische Lughet (Dirks, 2005)


1: v.i. to end, come to an end, finish; to be settled; to be used up, exhausted. ish ~di It's finished/over. ish ~di, Eshak loydan o'tdi said of s.o. who forgets his friends after his own troubles are over. umri ~- to die, pass away. izzati ~di to be impolite, to stop being polite. qulog'i ~- to be deafened from noise. [bitir-, bitiril-, bitirish-, bitkaz-, bitkazil-, bitkiz-]

2: to grow up, sprout; to heal, close (wound); to cover (plants). qanot ~- to sprout horns, wings, etc.bit- 3 obs.to write, enscribe. aql ~- to gather one's wits, to think of a solution. boshga ~gan balo unavoidable calamity/fate. peshanaga ~gan/~ib qo'yilgan written on one's forehead, foreordained. [bitish-, bitkaz-, bitkiz-, bittir-]bit zool.louse, lice. ~ ko'z (having) small squinty eyes. ity ~ (neg.) this, that, and everything; everyone and his brother. ~i to'kil- to find rest (at last), to lay back and kick one's feet up; to be fed, sated.

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