Özbekçe—İngilizce Sözlük (Dirks, 2005)
(Arabic) name of a legendary figure famed for drinking from the Water of Life and attaining immortality; supposed to appear to people in need to deliver them. ~ni yo'qlasam (ham) bo'lar Ekan said of s.o. who appears just as they are spoken of.
Son arananlar:
- Arhitektor,
- kodlamaq,
- won,
- Çıdamak,
- işallah,
- borço,
- Arkın,
- satıv,
- bayramqabağı,
- Yerli,
- solvency,
- hunlar,
- çıñramak,
- tutarsızlıq,
- klassisizm,
- Kuch,
- təqrir,
- intişar,
- ıylat,
- tagzymtowazyg,
- xizr