Özbekçe—İngilizce Sözlük (Dirks, 2005)
3pp. ko?ngli: (fig.).heart, spirits. bir ~i on the one hand,... ~i love for; desire, inclination; to love. ~i aynito feel nauseated. ~ aynitadigan nauseating. birovning ~idagini aytib ber- to say exactly what s.o. feels. ~ berib sev- to love with all one?s heart. ~ini buz- to upset. ~i buzildi to become upset. ~i buzuq having evil intent; broken-hearted. ~i bo?sh soft-hearted. ~i bo?shlik qil- to be soft-hearted. ~i bo'lmadi to not have the heart (to do s.t.). ~ yoz-/~ga yoq- to be to one?s liking. ~i yo'q not wanting to, having no desire for; to not care for. ~i joyiga/~iga kel- to come to mind; to take affront to. ~ingizga kelmasa if you won?t be offended. ~i keng laid back, easygoing; generous, welcoming. ~idan kechir-/~ida kiri yo'q pure-hearted; open-hearted. ~ini ko'tarto uplift s.o.'s spirits. ~i ko'tarildi/~i ko'tarmaydi to not be able to stand, to not be able to put up with; to not be able to stomach. ~ ovla- to lift s.o.'s spirits, to give moral support to. ~ini ol-to make happy, to amuse; to win s.o.'s heart. ~i ochiq, ochiq ~ open-hearted. ~i oq, oq ~ pure-hearted. ~iga og'ir ol- to take offense to. ~i og'ridi to be upset. ~ini og'rit- to upset. ~i sovidi/~i sof/toza ~ pure-hearted. ~i sust ket- to crave. ~ so'ra- to see how s.o. is doing (after an incident). ~iga teg-/~ini tinchit- to put s.o.?s heart at ease. ~ini top- to find the way to s.o.'s heart. ~i tinchlan-/~i tor irritable, sensitive; stingy. ~i tosh/~i tusa- to desire. ~i to'l- to be content. ~i to'q content. ~ uz- to forsake. ~ uchun out of a sense of propriety. ~i xira troubled, upset. ~ xushi source of joy or amusement. ~idan chiqar- to forget, to put out of one's mind; to lift the spirits of s.o. whom one has upset previously. ~dan chiqarib/~i chop- to like, to be impressed by; to have faith in (that it will happen). ~i cho'k- to be crestfallen. ~ini Erit- to melt s.o.'s heart. ~i yumshadi to soften up. ~i yarimta broken-hearted. ~i o'ksi- to become saddened. o'rgangan ~ o'rtansa qo'ymas one cannot give up what one is used to. ~iga qara- to take s.o.'s feelings or disposition into account. ~iga qil/~i qora evil-natured. ~ga qo?l sol- s. ~i g'ash upset, troubled. ~iga g?ash sol-/~ini g?ash qil- to upset.