

Azerbaycan Türkçesinin Açıklamalı Sözlüğü (Orucovun, 2006)


is. Üzümün dəyməmişi, kalı. Qora suyu. Qora dişi qamaşdırar. – Saxlaram qora səni; Kal səni, qora səni; Sən getdin, tez gələsən; Kim saldı tora səni. (Bayatı). ‣ Gözünün qorasını tökmək (sıxmaq) – bax. göz.

Özbekçe—İngilizce Sözlük (Dirks, 2005)


black; dark; bad, evil; outline, silhouette; target. ~sini ko?rsatmaydi He doesn?t show his face (around here). ~ olib... to target, to pursue. ~ terga bot- to sweat blood, to be drenched in sweat. ko'z ~si pupil; apple of one's eye. ~ metallar ferrous metals. ~ qilib/oralaridan ~ mushuk o'tdi they've had a falling-out. ~ guruh ?? [chernaya sotnaya- a political group]. ~ er chernozem; cultivated land; the grave. ~ ish menial work. ~ ishchi laborer, menial worker. ~ ko'ylakchi Black Shirt. ~ to'rdan kelgan dark-complexioned. ~lar blacks. yurish ~lardan black's move. ~-qura bolalar dark-skinned children. ~ qizil dark crimson. ~ niyatlar evil intentions. ~si o'chdi He disappeared., He's no longer around. ~ngni o'chir! Make yourself scarce! ~si o'chsin! May he be gone! ~ kiy- to wear mourning black. ~ bosh chumchuq (zool.) bullfinch. ~ ilon (zool.) adder, viper. ~ ko'za (bot.) a wild winter oat. ~ sulu (bot.) wild oat. ~ terak (bot.) black poplar. ~ tuproq chernozem. ~ tut (bot.) black mulberry. ~ chigirtka (zool.) cricket. ~ shuvoq (bot.) a type of wormwood, sagebrush. ~ Ekin (dial.) vegetable and melon growing. ~ urganji (bot.) a type of melon. yuziga ~ surt- to blacken one's face. ko'ngilga ~ ol- to feel suspicion. ~ kursi the dock. ~ chaqa penny, farthing, red cent. ~ chiroq oil lamp. ~ xalq common folk. ~ xat notice of (soldier's) death.qoraandiz bot.elecampane.qoraarcha bot.juniper.qorabaliq zool.Schizothorax (a freshwater fish).qorabarak bot.Halostachys, a desert shrub.qorabayir zool.a breed of horse.qorabovur zool.black-breasted sand grouse (s. bulduriq).qoraboy zool.glossy ibis; cormorant.qorabug'doy bot.German wheat.

Özbekçe—İngilizce Sözlük (Dirks, 2005)


pen, stall, corral; courtyard.qo'ramta hist.quiver (s. o'qdon).qo'rboshi hist.custodian of arms of a khan; a high military title during the khanate period; chief of police in the territory of Turkistan; commander of a group of basmachis.qo'rg'a- dial.s. qo'riqla-.

Uygurca – Türkiye Türkçesi Sözlüğü (Kurban, 2016)


Avlu, ağıl. At qorasi – At ağılı.

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