

Özbekçe—İngilizce Sözlük (Dirks, 2005)


1: street; outdoors, outside. gadoy topmas ~ a street not even a beggar could find. ~ga chiq- to go out to the street; to go outside. ~da on the street; outside. ~ bolasi street kid. istamasang katta ~ Get going, whether you want to or not. ~siga kir- to have experience with. ~siga kirmaydigan/~sidan o?tmaydigan unable to do; having no experience with. ~da qolgan discarded, useless. kavushim ~da qolgani yo'q or oyog'im ~da qolibdimi I don?t go out for no reason. ~sidan o't- to have experience with.ko'cha 2 dial.s. go'ja.

Uygurca – Türkiye Türkçesi Sözlüğü (Kurban, 2016)


I f. Cadde, sokak. Tar kocha – Dar sokak. Xalta kocha – Çıkmaz sokak. Kochida qalmaq – Sokakta kalmak.
II Buğday kalıntısı (durusu).

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