Özbekçe—İngilizce Sözlük (Dirks, 2005)
1: dust; pollen. ~ ko'tar-/ko'ziga ~ sep- to throw dust in s.o.'s eyes. hasratidan ~ chiqadi constantly grieving. ~ ko'ndirmaslik/~ini chiqarto gobble up; to make a mess of. ~ bosgan dusty, full of dust.
2: (Persian) a zither-like musical instrument; mouth organ (s. changovuz); (coll.) cymbals.
3: (Persian) clutch, grip, claws. ~ sol- to grab, to clutch, to catch.
Uygurca – Türkiye Türkçesi Sözlüğü (Kurban, 2016)
I Toz. Chang basmaq – Toz basmak.
II Gürültü, yüksek ses.
III. Chang salmaq – Kapmak, pençelemek.
IV zool. Sarıasma.