Uzbek—English Dictionary (Dirks, 2005)
v.i.,: v.t. to pass (by, through, over, from, to), to go through; to pass by, to go by, to be over (time); to move (to, on), to go, to transfer; to travel; to cut through (knife); to cross; to surpass, to exceed; to be felt, to affect, to influence, to hurt; (+yorib ~- to split through. yog'ib ~- to rain and then pass on. kechib ~- to pass through. kirib ~to stop by. ko'rib ~- to take a look at, to look through. Esiga solib ~- to remind (in passing). to'xta(li)b ~- to pause on, to discuss. uchib ~- to fly through or by. uqdirib ~- to emphasize. ko'z yumib ~- to close one's eyes (for s.t.). qayd Etib ~- to mention, to point out. qochib ~- to run off to, to escape to. olamdan ~- to pass away, to die. jon-jonidan ~- to hurt deeply. birovning qo'lidan ~- to pass out of one's hands, to no longer be in one's control. bir qoshiq qonidan ~- to pardon, to spare the life of. inobatga ~to be worthy of notice. kuni ~adi to get by. ko'zi ~maydi His eyes cannot see (well). nomeri ~madi His trick didn't work. yuzidan ~- to be disrespectful of. o'zingizdan ~ar gap yo'q You know all there is to know. chuv ~maydigan plashchh waterproof raincoat. nur ~maydigan muhit medium impervious to light. ~gan yil last year. ~gan kuni the other day. 19-yanvarga ~ar kechasi the night of January 18th. boshqa ishga ~ish munosabati bilan on the occasion of transferring to another job. gapdan ishga ~- to switch from talk to action. fikrim ~di my idea was accepted. undan go'sht ~maydi He can't digest meat. ~maydigan mol goods which do not sell well. uning ota-bobosi ham ishchi ~gan His ancestors were also laborers. mendan ~di It was my fault. unga hech gap ~di Nothing you say to him has any effect. sendan kaltak ham ~maydi Even hitting has no effect on you. mendan unga yuz so'm ~di He borrowed 100 soum from me. ~maydigan pul invalid money. ~inglar! Come visit! bunisi ~ib tushdi That went well. undan ~ar kishi yo'q No one surpasses him. [o'til-, o'tkaz-, o'tkazil-, o'tkazish-o'tkiz-, o'tkizil-, o'tkizish-, o'tqiz-, o'tqizdir-, o'tqizil-, o'tqizish-]
Uzbek—English Dictionary (Dirks, 2005)
v.t. to throw; to shoot; to take or swallow (snuff, drink, etc.); to put forth (petals, etc.). yaxmalak ~- to slide on an ice slide. palak ~- to put forth shoots (of a vine plant). odim ~- to take steps. oshiq ~- to throw tomir ~- to beat (pulse). nafsi hakkalak ~adi to pant or gasp heavily. [otil-, otish-, ottir-]