

Uzbek—English Dictionary (Dirks, 2005)


v.t. to knock, to pound, to drive in (stake), to tap, to hit, to beat (rug); to shake (tree, to drop its fruit); to hit, to plunder; to tire out, to bump around. Eshik ~- to knock on the door. jonini ~- to do with all one's soul. jonimni ~ay Bless my soul! (s. kiprik ~- to blink. ko'zini chetga ~ib to bluff, to mislead. kiprik ~may w/o a wink of sleep. qulog'ini ~ib qo'lga ber- to make one's ears ring, to drive mad with noise. sim ~- to telephone. tomoq ~- to clear one's throat. burun ~- to clear one's nose. chetga ~- to be distanced or separated from; to deny, to deprive. [qoqil-, qoqin-, qoqish-, qoqtir-]

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