

In'gilische—Türkche Lughet (FreeDict, 2017)

tosh /tˈɛfɹaɪt/

1. (İng.), (k. dili) saçma.

In'gilische—Türkche Lughet (Anonim)



Özbekche—In'gilische Lughet (Dirks, 2005)


breast, chest; bosom. ~ bezi mammary gland. ~ bog'i front strap securing a camel saddle.

Özbekche—In'gilische Lughet (Dirks, 2005)


rock, stone; weight; rock-hard. boshi ~ga tegdi to regret one's misdeeds. boshni ~ga urib to break one's neck (to no avail). bag'ri ~ odam cold as a stone, cold-hearted.yurakdagi ~ weight upon one's heart.yo'llarga ~ ter- to pave a road. kerakli ~ning og'irligi yo'q the necessary burden is easy to bear (=??).orqasidan ~ ot- to throw a stone after s.o. or say bad words behind s.o. as they leave (with the belief that this will keep them from returning). og'zingga ~ Keep your trap shut!; Bite your tongue (said to one who says evil things). ~ boyla- to take a long time to boil. samovar ~ boyladimi? What's wrong with the samovar, why won't it boil? ~ bos- to have weight, to be weighty. ~ bosma lithograph.~ bosmada bos- to lithograph.~ jinslari varieties of stone.~ yo'l paved road.~ yo'nuvchi stone mason.~ koni stone quarry.~ nok (bot.) a variety of pear.~ paxta (coll.) asbestos.~ taxta slate board.~ingni ter Make yourself useful! ~ teruvchi stone layer.~ choy brick tea.~ qalam slate pencil.~ qot- to become hard a s a stone; to sleep like a rock. ~ qurt ~i og'ir polvon a wrestler weighing many stone.~idan kam keldi to come up short, to come up less than it weighed on the scale. ~ daraxt (bot.) Caucasian hackberry (s. qotrang'i).toshbaqa zool.tortoise, turtle. ~ qadam slow as a tortoise.

2: measure of distance equal to 8 versts (app. 5 miles).

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