

Özbekche—In'gilische Lughet (Dirks, 2005)


v.t. to put, to place; to stop, to give up; to put aside; to leave be, to let alone, to let do; to let go, to leave; to install, to fix; to apply, to put on; (after V+(eb ~- to eat up; yozib ~- to write down; (after V+kelmay ~di He stopped coming; mendan hech kim xabar olmay ~di No one asks about me anymore; aytmay ~a qol Don't bother saying it; telefon qilmay ~a qolaylik Let's not bother calling. ~ing shu gaplarni! Stop saying that stuff! ~sang-chi! Come on! chekishni ~- to stop smoking. ~asanmi, ~maysanmi? Are you going to stop or not? bugungi ishlarni Ertaga ~ma Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today. yo'q desam ham ~maydi He doesn't leave off even when I say no. kim ~ibdi who let him...?, what business does he have...? uylanishni unga kim ~ibdi? What business does he have getting married? ~ib yubor- to let go. mayliga ~- to leave it up to s.o. xotin ~- to get rid of a wife. Ekinlarga suv ~- to irrigate crops. ovga qush ~- to set a falcon onto prey. tish ~- to grow a tooth. soqol ~- to grow a beard. Eshik ~- to install a door. narx ~- to fix a price. diagnoz ~- to give a diagnosis. og'ir ahvolga solib ~- to put into a bad situation. tarsaki ~- to slap. kino ~- to show a film. usma ~- to apply ot ~- to name. og'iz ochgani ~maydi He doesn't let you open your mouth. o'ziga ~ib ber- Let him do it. ~may or ~arda ~may doggedly, tenaciously, not taking no for an answer. bir qatorga ~- to consider equals. o'zini qaerga ~ishni bilmay or o'zini ~gani joy topolmay frantically. [qo'ydir-, qo'yil-, qo'yish-]qo'y zool.sheep. ~ yili the 8th year of the 12-year animal cycle. ~ ko'z large, dark eyes; s.o. with such eyes. ~ mizoj/~ og'zidan cho'p olmagan Wouldn't hurt a flea.

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